Tuesday, June 30, 2020

We finally get stuff done

 After our experience struggling to survive outside, we decided it was high time to accelerate our pace.

Around this time, we also picked up an ATV of our own so that we could really start bringing materials out to our campsite.  The first few loads though--those were done by hand. Ever tried hauling a wheelbarrow full of construction materials a mile into the woods?

I'm telling you, my wife has the patience of a saint. There was more than one time during those pre-ATV days that she and I had some pretty close calls, or racked up a solid road rash from the trail. 

But we got a lot done in very little time.

Obviously, watching us build things is extremely exhausting:

But by the end of June, we had a roof over our heads:

Soon we had water filtration set up, a nice outdoor kitchen, and were starting to explore the area and find some neat surprises:

Pretty cool, eh? Fun-colored boletes, real food and cooking, and no more nights spent cowering around a fire trying not to die.